
Getting to know you: A voyage of self discovery

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In this six-month online programme you will get to know yourself better and use that to boost your confidence, get certainty in your decision making, and live more boldly.

You will learn everything you need to know about yourself in order to use who you are to guide what you do.

Pause and ask:

  • Do you feel like the path you're on could do with a sprinkling of more intention and thought?
  • Do you feel like you're working towards something but not always sure what or how to get there?

This isn't necessarily about finding a new job or a new club. It's something else, something that you can't quite put your finger on.

Join me on this voyage, and in six months' time, you'll have your own unique guide to yourself, a whole bunch of amazing insights and confidence in your self...

And you'll have access to the course materials afterwards to come back to when you need a refresher or reminder.

Have you been thinking, it's a bit rubbish lately? Feeling stuck or wanting a change?

💬 "I know things can't remain the same. But I don't know what to do or where to go to do things differently."

Do you feel like you know you want things to be different but you don't know where to start?

🤯 Are you overwhelmed by all the possibilities - so in the end you don't do any of them?

😶‍🌫️ Are you stuck wondering what's next for you?

☁️ Are you missing some vibrancy in your life and work?

🙁 Perhaps the post-pandemic 'back to normal' isn't all that enjoyable?

🌊 Or have recent changes left you feeling adrift?

You're not alone in feeling this way. Over the past five years I've been working with people who feel just like this in my one to one practice. The tools and frameworks in this programme have been instrumental in helping them.

How good would it feel to know your strengths and values, and how to use them in your day to day life and work? To know how to respond when. you're being pulled away from them? This programme will provide you with the necessary tools to find alignment.

Welcome to your virtual personal growth programme.

Let me virtually guide you through my step by step approach to understanding yourself better. Learn how to use that knowledge to guide what you do in your life and work. Trust yourself more by knowing yourself better - and make decisions with confidence.

We'll cover six modules on these topics:

  • Know and Own Your Story.
  • Using Your Inner Compass.
  • Exploring and Identifying Your Values.
  • Discovering and Defining Your Strengths.
  • Getting to Know and Understand Your Characteristics.
  • Digging into Your Cause.

You'll have immediate access to some warm up activities as soon as you subscribe.

Before we delve into the details of this journey, here's a bit more about me.

About Your Guide

Hi, I'm Lou! I'm here to help you get to know your strengths, values, and characteristics. and how you're currently using them. I've used these approaches with individual clients to help them get to know themselves. I've coached them through how to use these tools and frameworks in their life and work. Some of them have changed their jobs whilst others have changed how they approach their current work. They've had fundamental shifts, changed their relationship to themselves, and helped themselves through all sorts of different changes, challenges, and opportunities.

Tried and tested

Through the programme we'll use the tools, frameworks and assessments I've refined with my clients over the past five years. You'll learn how to apply these tools in your day to day life and work. You'll collect together your insights in one place for easy reference. You'll understand how you currently use your strengths, values, and characteristics and You'll explore new ways of using them, too.

Visual approach

You may have noticed my doodles! Rather than identifying as a coach, I draw inspiration from a selection of complementary methods and tools. This includes coaching frameworks, design tools, and creative planning work. In this course we'll cover some of the visual frameworks I use. I also create visual guides for people I work with one to one, and I'm excited to bring the spirit of these drawings and visual approaches to you in this course.

What people say about doing this work with me:

💬 "I am still using all the tools we developed six months ago, which are really helping right now."

💬 "It's such an incredibly loving process."

💬 "It's really lovely to be able to say who I am."

💬 "A fundamental shift."

💬 "I feel happier with myself. I like me."

💬 "I learned f***ing tons about myself."

💬 "I learned the tools for how I analyse certain decisions."

💬 "The process gave me a real understanding of what's important to me."

Get to know yourself: A voyage of self discovery

A virtual personal growth programme: Six modules of online learning that enable you to use who you are to guide what you do.

What's included in the course:

  • Introduction to each topic. Everything you need to know about why this topic matters and what difference it makes in life and work.
  • Video and audio guides explaining the concepts, frameworks, and tools.
  • Self-discovery sheets with prompts to help you to apply the tools to yourself.
  • Reflection prompts to extend your learning into your daily life.
  • Quick reference tactics cards with key phrases to help you hold boundaries related to your strengths and values.

Topics will be released month by month so that you can work steadily through the journey, one module at a time.

What you need to bring:

  • There are two assessments that you will need to do separately from this programme in order to cover everything.
  • One of them can be done for free and one of them incurs an additional cost.
  • You will need to complete these assessments directly with the provider. You'll receive your results and any reports directly from them. I'm sorry that I couldn't find a way to integrate this. But this way gives you access to the best quality results from them.
  • The good news is that:
    • Each assessment takes around 20 minutes and comes with a detailed report.
    • The first assessment has a one-time fee (As little as £16, or up to £48 for a more detailed report - but the extra detail isn't necessary for this journey).
    • The second assessment is free (or £40 if you want a more in depth report from the provider - again this extra detail isn't essential).
    • You get to keep your results and reports for your own after the programme ends.
    • You'll get the full low down on how to purchase the assessments and navigate the results.
  • A notebook (paper or virtual) to keep all your valued insights in. I love dingbats notebooks, and Notion for virtual notes. We all have our own preferences - what are yours?

⭐ Boost your self-knowledge - and, in turn, your confidence.

🔮 Gain insights into what really matters to you.

💘 Approach each day with greater intention.

What The Programme Covers - Six Months, Six Themes

01: Your Values

You'll learn:

  • How to identify your values, and what they are.
  • How to know when your actions out not aligned with your values.
  • What to do to realign with your values.
  • What to say when you're feeling pulled away from your values.

02 Your Characteristics

You'll learn:

  • What your characteristics are, using a simple and free online assessment.
    • Optional extra - an in-depth report is available by paying £40 to the assessment provider.
  • The importance of characteristics and how they turn up in your life and work.
  • How to make the most of your characteristics..

03 Your Strengths

You'll learn:

  • What your strengths are using a simple online assessment (requires additional one-off payment of £16 to the assessment provider).
    • Optional upgrade to a more in-depth set of results from the assessment (£32 extra, paid to the assessment provider).
  • How strengths play out in your life and work.
  • Why strengths matter and how to make the most of them.
  • How to bring more of your strengths to work.

04 Your Story

You'll learn:

  • How your journey has led you to this point.
  • Key milestones in your story that have shaped who you are.
  • The connection between your story and your values.
  • Why your story is important to your future.

05 Your Cause

You'll learn:

  • The cause or causes that deeply resonate with you.
  • How your cause currently influences your life and work.
  • Ways to explore your cause and take action on it.
  • What to do if your cause isn't reflected in your current work.

06 Your Inner Compass

You'll learn:

  • How your values, strengths and characteristics play on each other to make you unique.
  • The 'sweet spots' in your current and past experience, and why they feel that way.
  • How to apply all your new insights to navigate decisions in life and work.

Bonus: Your Support Net

You will explore the people who are really rooting for you and understand how they support you.

  • Create a current snapshot of the people around you.
  • Identify opportunities to expand your support network.
  • Learn how to get help when you need it.
  • Understand who to go to for different types of support.

Current status: Pre-orders

This course is currently open for pre-orders. This means there aren't any fancy videos, screenshot sneak peaks or free trials on this page, and it's not currently integrated into my website. My focus is on getting you the quality content you want from the programme as quickly as possible.

It also means that over the course, the content will be tweaked based on who signs up. This will be the most bespoke this course will ever be, without purchasing a one to one package with me.

How to pay

You can opt for monthly payments to spread the cost.

You can also pay upfront for the whole six months - by selecting the 'Every 6 months' option. Note: You will only pay once if you pay in full! The subscription payments end after six months but your access continues beyond that).

Gumroad takes care of the security of payments and any taxes.

Is it worth it?

I get it - it's more important than ever to spend your money on things that really add something to your life. So I'm sure you're wondering if what you'll get here is worth more than what you're going to pay. I'm glad you're thinking about that! I only want you to spend your money on this if it's a good fit for you, if you'll get value from it. That's why I've given so much detail about what the course will cover.

As long as this course is online, you'll have access to its content. Once you've completed the six month subscription, there won't be any further charges.

For comparison, £400 would also get you:

  • A ticket to Glastonbury (No guarantees - lottery depending!).
  • Travel in style from London to Inverness on a sleeper train - with your own double bed and ensuite shower (But - nowhere to stay when you get there).
  • A Soderhamn chaise longue from Ikea for reclining and napping.

The question for you to answer is whether you value any of these (or something else) more than the journey of self discovery over six months... and the rewards you'll get beyond that. I can't make that decision... it's over to you!

This membership will automatically end after 6 months
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£75 a month x 6

Getting to know you: A voyage of self discovery

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